Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A taste of success

Well, I'm not gonna lie...I've been too busy to work on my affiliate sales lately. It's been on the back burner and learning that Google AdWords banned me for not providing enough unique content didn't help. I was pretty discouraged about that and hadn't checked out my progress in awhile.

To my surprise I made my first sale! I'm not sure how or if the sale was driven from Google AdWords before I was banned, but it has given me motivation to start paying attention again. Ideally I would like to get back on Adwords, but that's going to take a lot of work and refactoring of the website.

I've read that it takes many affiliates a year to make their first sale, so I don't want to get too excited. My traffic flow is obviously limited without targeted advertising so I'll have to get creative. Back at it!

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