Monday, May 30, 2011

To Google and Beyond...!

Lately, I've been working diligently to get quality content onto my site affiliate marketing site. Last night I decided to submit it to Google with the hope that it would list it in their directory someday.

I woke up this morning and tried a Google search and to my surprise the site was listed! Given, it's not a top ranked site and the search words have to be quite specific, but it's better than nothing.

I thought it would be much more difficult to get listed. I checked Yahoo! and Bing later on and so far I'm not listed on either. I've read from other sources that if you're listed on Google, then you will show up on other search engines soon after, but I decided to submit my URL to both just in case.

It takes time to generate quality content and adapt the site to today's standards, but it's definitely worth it. I haven't received substantial traffic yet, but things are definitely looking up.

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